One of the things included in many Michigan no fault insurance auto policies are survivor loss benefits. This means that if you have lost a loved one in an auto accident, you may be entitled to these benefits no matter who was deemed at fault. The purpose of survivor loss benefits are monetary and are used to supplement the loss of income, financial support, household services, and more that occur when a loved one is lost due to a an auto accident. If you or someone you know have lost someone in an auto accident, please contact a trusted Kalamazoo auto accident lawyer to help you collect these benefits you’re owed.

It’s important not to wait too long, as you have to claim these benefits within three years of when the accident occurred. The amount that you are entitled to can vary, so it’s important to have representation from a Kalamazoo auto accident lawyer who knows how to navigate the system and will make sure you collect the maximum payout.

You cannot file for these benefits from just anyone. You need to either be a spouse, child under 18, or another party that the court deems eligible based on your circumstances. In order to file, you need to have a funeral bill and death certificate that you send to your insurance company. Many times these claims are denied initially, which is why experienced legal representation is key.

At Giffels Law Office in Kalamazoo, we have the experience necessary to get you the survivor loss benefits for which you are entitled. If you have suffered the loss of a loved one or know someone who has, do not hesitate to contact Giffels Law Office today. 

(269) 381-4172